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♥ Shiosai ♥
The world in my head is different from yours.
It's distorted, it's twisted, it's strange.
But to me it's the only thing that I have,
That nobody can take away.
My sanctuary, my secret place,
The thing that keeps my sane.
Step through the door and you'll,
Never see things same again.
Whee!! I'm back on undeclared haitus!
Sunday, May 22, 2011, 10:33 PM
...No...not really...more like I just forgot about it....
Sorry! Blog!
Ish...calm down will ya!
Anyway....In the 3 months I did not update...well loads happened...
I started college for one....
And is almost finishing 1 semester...
HAHA....that too....
Uh....well....I'm supposed to be studying now....but.....
And as an apology for my blog, I brought a new skin for it!!
Put a LOT of work into this one...I wanted something flashy at first but then decided to go with something simple in the end!
The lovely pictures are taken from Vaguely Unpoetic, who makes lovely icons and banners!
And I got TWITTER!!
Now I'm wondering if I should get Tumblr because according to my friend there's a lot of nice pics there!!
But if I do get one it won't be today...because I just created a Photoshop and Photobucket account....
So tired now....
gonna ciao!
Bye By-

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The Dynamic Relationship of Squalo and Xanxus
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 10:22 PM

Squalo has worked out a sort of system for Xanxus's choice of projectiles. Whatever comes to hand, including small furniture and sharp stationery, means fuck off right now. Cups with whiskey or tequila mean stop talking fucking nonsense, and fetch me more alcohol. Actual unempty bottles of whiskey or tequila means, as far as Squalo can tell, you are my bestest friend in the world, never leave me.

(He'd gotten a full bottle to the head, once, right after Xanxus had been defrosted and- it's a lousy fucking gesture. It had got glass in his hair.)

"You're such an undeserving bastard," says Squalo, "Why the hell do I bother doing anything for you, asshole?"

Xanxus looks at him, at the ceiling, and throws him into the liquor cabinet and bills him for repairs.

~excerpt from Mimma's Undeserving (A Katekyo Fanfiction)

....yup...that pretty much sums it up... XD

Squalo was to become the boss of Varia before Xanxus barged in and promptly took the throne while declaring a coup d'etate against Vongola Nono. So it's quite hard to imagine that he would be willing to constantly tolerate the abuse he suffered at Xanxus's hands.

Squalo knows he's the closest thing Xanxus has to a friend, and is also rather unfortunately aware that Xanxus considers deadly projectiles to the head the ultimate symbol of trust, forbearance and remote tolerance.
..Weird choice of declaring your emotions but nonetheless....it fits Xanxus's personality....And supposedly Squalo did manage to figure out that in Xanxus's mind throwing stuffs=conveying his thoughts....
...It's a miracle Squalo isn't diagnosed for brain damage already....

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Random Rants....
Friday, December 24, 2010, 11:50 PM
Sorry for leaving u out 4 so long.....
Life is hectic ya know....
...no....I suppose u don't know.....
It's over.
Goodness....what's with the crappy opening...?
Shut up....
It's hard to tell back something when it's long past you know....
That's why procrastination kills...
Back to topic!!!
Well, when I said it's over, i actually meant a lot of things.
Firstly and the most important one,
The stupid exam that's been hovering around since the beginning of the year is finally over.
Wait, wait, wait!
That's it?! You're just summarizing the Most Agonizing Time Of My(Our) Life in 3 sentences!!
Thinking more about it would just make me throw the pillow onto the floor.
'The stars were jaded diamond dust, flash frozen on black velvet...'
Don't remind me.
High school's officially over.
She's really summarizing it in 3 sentences OAO!
SPM sucks.
There, 4 sentences. You happy?
'Do not blaspheme! Do not blaspheme!'
....Why do u keep quoting things? Shiro.
Too much books has spoilt her brain apparently....
You don't even care that one of your conscious split personalities might have suffered permanent mental damage due to almost 4 weeks of stressful studying just to get us a good enough result that is apparently never good enough for us and so we'll feel a little bit disappointed but doesn't think much about it while pondering what's the big deal with exams anyway as a way to comfort ourselves and ignore everything else to go back to reading or writing fanfics because that's the best way to divert our attention from what we hope is improbable but still possible bad results we might be getting?
Hmm....oh, i was daydreaming....repeat that again....
.....someday you're gonna turn into me......
And don't even think 4 a minute that i didn't realized u realized all the jabs and hints i put in there....
'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.....'
Ahh~ Holiday spirit~
...Dude....u sure she's okay?
"....Do you hear what i hear? (Do you hear what i hear?), the song, the song....."
She's just basking in the Christmas feeling.
She be back when she realizes exactly how much fanfic we have yet to read and write.
Flowers frozen in the fridge!! I haven't finished that story yet!!
Careful. Byakuran will come and haunt you if you don't let him meet his Shou-chan.
Werewolf party!!
And Lord Voldemort will be stalking us too if we doesn't finish reading that.
..i think my OTP for Harry Potter is gonna change real soon.....
you and your sick mind...
Speaking of sick, i think i'm coming down with something.....
Flu maybe....
And I still haven't studied for my undang exam....
You don't think we will fail, do you?
Hmm....I can't decide if you're saying that in worry or are u being cynical.....
Hurry up.....we still got loads to do....
Well, my stories are going to be typed slowly and some of them will be up in Livejournal in a few days.....
.....I hope.....
Well, don't forget to visit....

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Something's seriously wrong....
Thursday, November 18, 2010, 8:50 PM
I think there's something really wrong when I understand Byakuran's point of view more than Irie's one.....
That fanfic is seriously mind boggling...
Plot bunnies are appearing fast......bu they also die fast....
*looks at bloody hands*
When are u really gonna study?
Tomorrow, day after tomorrow, someday, yesterday, neverday.......
The last one ain't a word......
*Ignores and play tag with her mind...*
Hey crazy! Go read books!
*Goes search for fanfics*
Not those books!
*Continues searching*
We give up!
*Continues searching*

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 10:21 PM
Wai!! I finally mustered up the energy to update!!
You just updated because you came to blogger to search the links to Hyper Parfait and suddenly thought 'Hey! Let's write something!'
Don't complain....at least she's writing.....
So! What do you want to know?
Whatever that we don't know, and we know everything.....
Okay! Creepy split personalities who likes to invade my privacy can shut up now and let me show my prowess!
Yes! My lady!
First things first.
Wearing fake eyelashes is such a pain in the 'eye'!!
Blind as a rat.
But hey! it makes me look pretty so whatever!
I don't like Matt Smith!!
You're biased.....Give the poor bloke a chance...
But....but...he's so....un-Doctor-like!!
You haven't even seen him act yet.....
David Tennant is my favorite Doctor and that's that!
I seriously sucks at Add. Maths!!
Pfft...like that is news....
But I find that I might be quite decent at it if I bother to try!!
Keyword 'if''.
I also hope that I'll get straight As for SPM!
Riiiight....which is why you're online now......
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!
All play and no work makes Jack a dumb boy.
I have a new plot for a new original fanfiction!!
*dreamily* and just the plot I like......
I doubt it will ever be written....or told for that matter.
Because it's BL!!!
I have the whole plot in my head adi!
I just need to add in all the small details and it'll be finished!!
..in my head...
No chance of it ever coming out.....?
I supposed....given the right time and people and situation.....
Pray to God!!
What's more?
I dunno...
Beats me...
Which means......
Fanfic time!!!!

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Saturday, September 4, 2010, 11:22 PM


そう言っただけど そんな事が遇った時 同じ事をするでしょう?


人を傷ついて時 「人の為に」 そういう事を言って。







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Okay, okay....I know what you're going to say....
, 9:53 PM
Yeah...i updated my layout without even posting something....
I really love how the effects came out for this...
It's a bit late saying this but....i love this layout.....
Reasons? It looks mature without being too overly serious, i got sick of the grumpy toast too...
It might be cute but you'll get tired of it after some times....especially if ur annoyed....
But this layout is different.
at first glance it may look normal....even plain to some but the secrets lie in its normalcy....
The messed up things falling from the sky gives me a different feeling when i'm in different moods...
Oh well....
You sound depressed....
I know....
so now i'm gonna rant and rant and rant.

Do i look optimistic to you?
Well, i often think i am but sometimes i just wanna be pessimistic once in a while....
Most ppl have the opinion that being pessimistic might be bad but i don't really see the point in that.
I mean if you're pessimistic, you already have the worst scenario in your mind so even if it really happens, you'll just say "Oh, i thought that would happen didn't I?"
The impact isn't as big as being optimistic....
You're making me depressed too....
You're always depressed.....
The thing is.... sometimes you live peacefully without knowing things and i would admit it is nice, if not heavenly living like that....
and then BAM!
The truth came out....
exactly.....i don't mind living my life without knowing things but make sure they don't find out about what you're trying to hide in the first place.....
maybe they weren't trying to hide things.....
that's the whole problem isn't it?
ppl ALWAYS tend to hide things....
even i do...
you're being contradicting.....
but i guess it's just human nature isn't it?
humans are stupid.....besides weren't you wanting to rant about a particular something here?
oh yeah...i'm just trying to put off the whole thing actually....
*takes deep breath*
here goes nothing....

Frankly, to say that i hate her would not really be correct....
To explain this i would have to say something.....
I'm a possessive person....
As in really really possessive....
i don't like people touching my things, i don't like people liking things that i think i should be the only one liking, i don't liking people having things that i have....
add in the fact that i have a different way of looking at things.....
possessive psycopath...
yeah..yeah...now that i've established that....
i won't say what she had done to actually warrant such action on my behalf....
but i would say it's not really what others think she has done.....
i doubt even she knows that this was actually what made me hate her.....

i'm an information whore....
i can't stand not knowing things....
every single quiz i did that involve the question what type of superpower you like to have, i would definitely chose the ability to know what other people are thinking....
that's why i had being left out.....
hate it hate it hate it....
makes me think that if i were to be left out of things i'll make sure u are too....

if i were to say, i would be a mixture of tsundere and yandere....
i don't speak out my mind because i wish that you could know what i am thinking or maybe i expect you to know what i'm thinking
but in the end it doesn't happens....
that's what we're here for anyway...
and then i'll feel angry at myself for hoping something that has such a low chance of success, for trusting that that person would notice, for indulging myself in mere dream i had....
and i'll get depressed...thinking about loads of things...
and in the end come to the conclusion that something should be done to the situation because if i don't i'll be stuck in this limbo and experiencing pain when the person who did this stays unaware of the damage he/she/it/they had done....
how could they live in peace when i'm suffering like this?
uh huh... so i'm going to let them know what i want them to know....in my own yandere way....
but sometimes, i would think that this was just a waste of time....
so what if they know? it's not like they would give a fucking damn.....
hey hey hey....you're swearing.... chill...
but i still can't stop myself from feeling happy when somebody correctly guessed or knows what i want
but those occasions are rarer than a sun eclipse happening....
we're here, aren't we?
so you can tell us you're deepest secrets and dreams and we would understand...
so you can confide in us your thoughts and wishes and we would try to fulfill it for you...
we would destroy those that stand in your way
and give you the world if you wish for it.
just have to remove the inhibitions i placed on you....

maybe someday......
someone would appear......

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